Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic – On 4 November 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic issued an important order titled “On the Development of Micro-Scale Renewable Energy”.

The document provides for widespread use of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies across various sectors, including social infrastructure, residential buildings, government institutions, and private enterprises, as well as creation of favourable conditions and incentives for investors and local businesses to mitigate the energy system’s capacity deficit.

The European Union (EU) funded SECCA project has been advising the state partners in Kyrgyzstan on the legal, regulatory, and financial aspects of micro-scale renewable energy development, particularly for rooftop solar installations. Drawing on the experience of the EU Member States, Energy Community Contracting Parties, and other Central Asian countries, SECCA has shared valuable insights and case studies.

In addition, the Kyrgyz Ministry of Energy has requested technical assistance from the project for advancing micro-scale renewable energy projects. To this end, SECCA has established a group of experts, who met at the kick-off meeting on 5 December 2024. The experts are tasked to identify bankable rooftop solar projects for different categories of consumers.

Almaty, Kazakhstan – The European Union funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” took part in the conference “Green Business Pavilion: Sustainable Solutions for Climate Protection and Economic Growth” at the invitation of the Delegation of the German Economy to Central Asia. The SECCA project was represented by Zhaxylyk Tokayev, National coordinator in Kazakhstan.

With the ratification of the Paris Agreement, states committed to developing nationally determined contributions for the economy (NDCs) and updating them every 5 years. Based on reliable data, NDCs help states begin a transformational transition to greener and more sustainable development. Kazakhstan has committed to reducing emissions by 15% from 1990 levels by 2030, and by 25% with international support.

Green Business Pavilion provided an open platform for international and local business representatives and experts to present their solutions and ideas. It facilitated the exchange of views and development of concrete recommendations for the further development of NDCs.

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan – Programme Manager of the EU Delegation Robert Brudzynski, SECCA Key Experts Paata Janelidze and Ilze Purina, and Senior Expert Natalia Shatirishvili met with Gulnabat Gurdova the newly-appointed National Contact Point (NCP) of Turkmenistan for the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme. Representatives of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan also attended the meeting.

The experts discussed promotion of Horizon Europe in Turkmenistan. The parties agreed to cooperate for experience and knowledge exchange between the NCPs in Central Asia. The SECCA project invited Ms Gurdova to join the regional NCP network.

Turkmenistani scientists and researchers stand to benefit greatly from the participation in Horizon Europe. To raise awareness about it, the SECCA project also organised the International Conference “Opportunities for Turkmenistan’s Participation in the Horizon Europe Programme” on 26 November 2024 in Ashgabat.

The EU-funded SECCA project will continue assisting the Central Asian countries, including Turkmenistan, with creating conditions and building capacity for more active participation in the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme by providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing.

Mary, Turkmenistan – National stakeholders, policymakers, energy experts, representatives of professional associations, academia and international organisations attended the International ConferenceSustainable Energy for Environmental Protection – Reviewing International Best Practices.

The event was organised by the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA), and the UNDP project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated Green Urban Development in Ashgabat and Awaza”.

The conference emphasised Turkmenistan’s commitment to promoting sustainable energy. The country is currently reviewing strategies and mechanisms for renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment.

Addressing the participants of the Conference, Mr Robert Brudzynski, Programme Manager at the EU Delegation to the Republic of Kazakhstan, said: “Access to clean energy is crucial for economic growth and sustainable development of all countries – both in the Central Asian region and worldwide. In line with the EU Strategy for Central Asia and the “Team Europe” initiative, the EU supports the Central Asian countries, including Turkmenistan, in their energy transition efforts. We welcome the initiative of the Government of Turkmenistan to establish the Alliance for Cooperation on Global Energy Security and Sustainable Development, which focuses on pooling resources, expertise and innovative technologies to address the challenges of energy transition and increase energy access. The European Union highly values the partnership with Turkmenistan and recognises the importance of cooperation in addressing common global challenges.”

At the Conference, the delegates reviewed the best practices on implementation of successful sustainable energy policies in the EU and other countries of Central Asia. Notable discussions included the potential of production of bioenergy and biofuel, as well as innovative green energy initiatives and solutions by the country’s researchers. The conference served as a practical forum to exchange experiences and knowledge for sustainable energy transition.


The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 European countries. It is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. It acts globally to promote sustainable development of societies, environment and economies, so that everyone can benefit.

The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects. Website:

UNDP project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated development of green cities in Ashgabat and Avaza”. The objective of the project is to significantly reduce the negative effects of urban growth in Turkmenistan and simultaneously achieve the goals of social and economic development. To this end, the project provides technical assistance, organizational and political support, the organization and development of programs, as well as the promotion of behaviour change in combination with national priorities and specific needs formulated by the Government. The measures introduced in Ashgabat and Avaza have led to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and social benefits in themselves, as well as creating the basis for replication in other regions of Turkmenistan.

For additional information, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Communication strategist, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Turkmenistan:

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan – Representatives of the Ministry of Education, research institutions, and universities of Turkmenistan, the European Union (EU) diplomats and project experts, as well as the delegates from other Central Asian countries attended the International Conference Opportunities for Turkmenistan’s Participation in Horizon Europe.

This event was organised by the European Union (EU) funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” with the support of the Ministry of Education.

Horizon Europe is the EU’s flagship research and innovation programme with an ambitious budget of EUR 95.5 billion. One of its key advantages is the comprehensive approach, fostering collaborations across various sectors and disciplines. Participation in the programme offers funding and facilitates international cooperation and access to new markets, addressing global challenges such as climate change, green transition and digital transformation.

The Conference raised awareness among participants about the programme with a specific focus on its Cluster 5 “Climate, Energy, and Mobility.” It presented funding opportunities, participation rules and conditions, and highlighted projects and initiatives supported by the programme in the Central Asia region.

Featuring speakers from the Energy Community and Central Asia, the event showcased how Horizon Europe can support international research collaboration, particularly in areas such as sustainable energy. The participants also gained practical insights from Kazakhstan’s experience in participating in the programme and promoting it at the national level, and got a unique opportunity to network and share knowledge.

Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic – Kyrgyzstan appointed Mr Khanchoro Murzaliev as a National Contact Point (NCP) for the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme cluster 5, which focuses on “Climate, Energy and Mobility”. As the NCP, he will serve as a primary point of contact for inquiries related to participation in the Horizon Europe initiatives and projects in the areas of climate change, sustainable energy, and sustainable mobility.

The EU’s SECCA project assists Kyrgyzstan and other countries of Central Asia to create pre-conditions and build capacities for more active participation in the programme. It will provide capacity building support to Mr Murzaliev to ensure he can effectively fulfill his role.

The network of NCPs is the main structure to provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon Europe, including choosing the relevant topics and types of action, advising on administrative and contractual matters, training and assistance in proposal writing, assistance in partner search, and so on.

For contact details of Mr Murzaliev, please visit this page.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan – Key Expert Ilze Purina, Senior Expert Natalia Shatirishvili, and National Coordinator in Uzbekistan Gayrat Tashmatov met with Nabijon Holov, the newly-appointed National Contact Point (NCP) of Uzbekistan for the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme. Representatives of research institutions and universities, as well as the NCP of Kazakhstan Dr Aliya Sembayeva also attended the meeting.

The experts discussed promotion of Horizon Europe in Uzbekistan, which has started establishing the NCPs Network to provide for more active participation of the country’s research institutions in the programme. Currently, Uzbekistan also considers appointing NCP for Cluster 5 “Climate, Energy and Mobility”. The parties agreed that, once appointed, the SECCA project would support the work and build capacity of Cluster 5 NCP. Dr Sembayeva in her turn shared about the experience of Kazakhstan in the establishment of the NCPs and involvement in the programme.

Uzbekistan has significant research capacity, and the scientists and researchers stand to benefit greatly from the participation in Horizon Europe. To raise awareness about it, the SECCA project also held the workshop “Unlocking EU-CA Research Cooperation under Horizon Europe” on 21 November 2024 in Tashkent. It was organised within the European Union – Uzbekistan Sustainable Energy Days  in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The EU-funded SECCA project will continue assisting the Central Asian countries, including Uzbekistan, with creating conditions and building capacity for more active participation in the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme by providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing.

For contact details of Mr Holov, please visit this page.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan – Representatives of the government bodies, universities, research institutions, and innovation agencies attended the workshop “Unlocking European Union – Central Asia Research Cooperation under Horizon Europe”. This event was held as part of the European Union – Uzbekistan Sustainable Energy Days 2024 and was organised by the European Union (EU) funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Horizon Europe is the EU’s flagship programme for research and innovation. It is one of the largest research and innovation funding programme in the world, covering the period from 2021 to 2027 with a total budget of EUR 95.5 billion. The programme provides funding for projects in the EU Member States and third countries, including Central Asian Republics. Total 33 projects and 47 organisations in Central Asia have already benefited from participation in Horizon Europe and its predecessor Horizon 2020.

The workshop specifically demonstrated the relevance of Horizon Europe’s Cluster 5 – “Climate, Energy, and Mobility” – to participants in Uzbekistan by showcasing funding opportunities, projects and initiatives financed by the programme. Activities within Cluster 5 Work Programme support research and innovations related to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and thus facilitate green transition, provide for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and foster a clean energy system, as well as efficient, sustainable and inclusive access to energy.

Addressing the participants, Mr Alexander Zenebe, Programme Manager of the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan, stated: “One of the key advantages of Horizon Europe is its comprehensive approach, fostering collaborations across various sectors and disciplines. The Programme provides opportunities to Uzbekistani scientists, higher education institutions, research institutes to attract international funding, and also to facilitate international networking and access to new markets, addressing global challenges such as climate change, green transition and digital transformation. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that Uzbekistan prioritises the rapid development of a green economy and has set a grand goal of achieving 40% green energy by 2030. The EU welcomes Uzbekistan’s commitments to be part of the global energy transition. We foster the country’s energy resilience through sharing our best available technologies and expertise in renewables and energy efficiency, as well as through the opportunities provided by Horizon Europe to facilitate the green transition.

Uzbekistan has significant research capacity. Featuring the EU, Energy Community and national speakers from Central Asia, the event highlighted how Horizon Europe can assist in strengthening international research collaboration, particularly in areas such as sustainable energy. The EU-funded SECCA project assists Central Asian countries, including Uzbekistan, with creating conditions and building capacity for more active participation in Horizon Europe by providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and cross-border knowledge-sharing.

Workshop agenda and presentations


The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 European countries. It is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. It acts globally to promote sustainable development of societies, environment and economies, so that everyone can benefit.

The European Union – Uzbekistan Sustainable Energy Days is part of the broader European Union – Central Asia Sustainable Energy Days campaign. Its purpose is to enhance the awareness of national stakeholders and the public in the region of Central Asia on the significance, benefits and accessibility of sustainable energy and the interlinkage between energy and climate change. It also represents a global edition of EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), the largest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe, initiated in 2007 by the European Commission. The campaign is organised yearly in the countries of Central Asia by the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)”.

The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects.

For additional information, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Senior Strategic Communication Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication and Media Relations Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan, email:

Uzbekistan – From 18 to 21 November 2024, the Second European Union – Uzbekistan Sustainable Energy Days took place in the cities of Samarkand and Tashkent. Organised annually by the European Union (EU), this campaign engages and fosters dialogue on energy transition among policymakers, experts, academia, businesses, and general public, including youth and children. It featured a variety of activities, such as an award ceremony to recognise the Most Energy Efficient School, a university student debate, and a Horizon Europe workshop on research cooperation.

This year, the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA) partnered with the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Agency for Strategic Reforms under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to organise the campaign events.

Mr Wim RIEPMA, Head of Cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Uzbekistan, stated:“Achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement requires prioritising the green energy transition. Events like the Sustainable Energy Days are important, as they bring us together to explore innovative solutions that not only protect our environment but also drive economic growth and energy security. By working together, we can make meaningful progress towards climate resilience and a sustainable future that benefits everyone. Uzbekistan is actively developing renewable energy, in particular solar and wind energy.  The European Union welcomes Uzbekistan’s plans to increase the share of renewable energy up to 40 % in its energy mix and the country’s energy efficiency by 1,5 times by 2030. The EU remains dedicated to supporting the country on this path.

In Samarkand, the EU recognised Secondary School 9 as the Most Energy Efficient School. The Award Ceremony raised the children’s awareness about the connection between energy and climate, built their skills for the thoughtful use of energy resources, encouraged creative thinking about sustainable energy solutions to protect climate and environment on the Planet.

In Tashkent, the students and faculty staff of 5 universities took part in the lectures and debates on sustainable energy. The students of Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Tashkent State Technical University Named after Islam Karimov, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, and Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology debated on a green energy vision for Tashkent. The EU awarded these students with a free access to the Energy training to be delivered online by the Florence School of Regulation (Italy) – a European centre of excellence for innovative trainings on energy and climate.

In addition, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation and the SECCA project held a workshop “Unlocking EU–Central Asia Research Cooperation under Horizon Europe” for the country’s education and research institutions. It showcased the funding opportunities, projects and initiatives funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe programme in Central Asia, and demonstrated how it can assist in strengthening international research collaboration.


The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 European countries. It is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. It acts globally to promote sustainable development of societies, environment and economies, so that everyone can benefit.

The European Union – Uzbekistan Sustainable Energy Days is part of the broader European Union – Central Asia Sustainable Energy Days campaign. Its purpose is to enhance the awareness of national stakeholders and the public in the region of Central Asia on the significance, benefits and accessibility of sustainable energy and the interlinkage between energy and climate change. It also represents a global edition of EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), the largest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe, initiated in 2007 by the European Commission. The campaign is organised yearly in the countries of Central Asia by the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)”.

The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects.

For additional information, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Senior Strategic Communication Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication and Media Relations Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan, email:

Samarkand, Uzbekistan – The European Union (EU) recognised Secondary School №9 as the Most Energy Efficient School of the Samarkand city. The Award Ceremony, organised as part of the Second European Union – Uzbekistan Sustainable Energy Days, gathered schoolchildren, teachers, parents, representatives of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan (MoPSE), as well as the EU project experts. The event was organised by the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” in cooperation with MoPSE.

The Ceremony was followed by an introductory lesson and quiz for the students in grades 5-7. As a result, the event raised the children’s awareness about the connection between energy and climate, built their skills  for the thoughtful and efficient use of natural and energy resources, encouraged curiosity and creative thinking about renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions to protect climate and environment on the Planet.

Addressing the event participants, Mr Paata Janelidze, Team Leader of the SECCA project, said: “I sincerely congratulate Secondary School №9 on this remarkable achievement. It is important to note that this initiative goes beyond energy conservation. Climate change and air pollution not only affect our health, but also endanger the iconic architectural landmarks, which have stood for centuries. By embracing sustainable practices and reducing pollution, we are creating a healthier environment for future generations and preserving Samarkand’s treasured monuments and history. Our project is proud to support these efforts in collaboration with the state partners, working together to protect the environment and empower local communities.”

Ms Dilbar Mavlonova, School Principal, noted: “We are deeply honoured to receive this recognition and feel inspired to lead by example. Indeed, small, everyday actions can contribute to a greener future. We are grateful for the support from the European Union and the Ministry of Preschool and School Education. I am confident that our schoolchildren and teachers will remember this day and celebration for a long time, and that the new knowledge and skills they have gained will inspire them to continue making a positive impact on the sustainable development of our country.”

The assessment of energy efficiency indicators and selection of the school had been conducted by the SECCA project based on data provided by MoPSE.


The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 European countries. It is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. It acts globally to promote sustainable development of societies, environment and economies, so that everyone can benefit.

The European Union – Uzbekistan Sustainable Energy Days is part of the broader European Union – Central Asia Sustainable Energy Days campaign. Its purpose is to enhance the awareness of national stakeholders and the public in the region of Central Asia on the significance, benefits and accessibility of sustainable energy and the interlinkage between energy and climate change. It also represents a global edition of EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), the largest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe, initiated in 2007 by the European Commission. The campaign is organised yearly in the countries of Central Asia by the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)”.

The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects.

For additional information, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Senior Strategic Communication Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication and Media Relations Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan, email:

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