
Kazakhstan – More than 350 representatives of line Ministries and local government bodies, principals of public schools and representatives of business attended the regional workshops on energy efficiency (EE), which were held in Aktau, Shymkent, and Turkestan from 22 to 26 July 2024.

These workshops were organised by the European Union funded SECCA project and the Institute for Development of Electric Power and Energy Saving (EEDI), with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In each city, SECCA and EEDI hosted two workshops: one focusing on energy efficient budgetary (public) institutions and other on increasing EE of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Concept for Development of Energy Saving and Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029 identifies five priority sectors – industry, energy, public sector, residential buildings, transport – where energy saving measures should be implemented first.

The Government pays particular attention to the industrial sector. Despite some steps taken towards improving EE of industry, the sector still accounts for more than a third of final energy consumption and high levels of greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, from 2014 to 2020, the buildings sector has steadily increased its energy consumption and has become the largest final energy consumer. The residential buildings sector has greater potential to reduce heat and electricity consumption, but the public buildings sector is an important intermediate step to subsequently replicate measures in the residential sector.

At the workshops, the SECCA experts presented on the European experience and best practices on improving EE, which can be applicable in Kazakhstan, and the national experts presented on the practical measures to reduce energy consumption. As a result, the participants improved their level of awareness and capacities on energy savings, energy efficiency, use of small renewable energy sources and energy management.

Workshop materials:

22 July 2024, 10h00       Energy efficient budgetary institutions of Aktau city

22 July 2024, 15h00       Increasing energy efficiency of SMEs in Mangistau region

24 July 2024, 10h00       Energy efficient budgetary institutions of Shymkent

24 July 2024, 15h00       Increasing energy efficiency of SMEs in Shymkent

26 July 2024, 10h00       Energy efficient budgetary institutions of Turkestan

26 July 2024, 15h00       Increasing energy efficiency of SMEs in Turkestan region

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