Astana, Kazakhstan – The national experts of Kazakhstan on energy efficiency attended a Round table discussion “Quality Control of Energy Audits for the Industry” organised jointly by the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ministry), the European Union (EU) funded SECCA project, and the Electric Power and Energy-Saving Development Institute (EEDI) of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan, recognising the importance of energy efficiency, has implemented a robust policy framework to address challenges posed by its energy-intensive economy and reliance on fossil fuels. The country’s approach involves significant stakeholder engagement, including government ministries, energy auditors, and international partners. However, issues related to compliance and the execution of mandatory actions following energy audits have hindered the effectiveness of mandatory energy audits. A structured quality control (QC) system for energy audits is crucial in Kazakhstan’s efforts to enhance energy efficiency in its industrial sector.

The SECCA project initiated cooperation with EEDI in summer 2023 with an overall objective to introduce an updated and enhanced energy audits QC system for the industrial sector in Kazakhstan. A technical workshop followed in September 2023 for the parties to discuss key elements of a quality management system, value delivered through energy audits, the initial assessment of strengths and, improvement potential of the current QC of energy audits in Kazakhstan, feasible changes to the current setup and potential barriers and solutions for implementing proposed improvements.

Subsequently, upon the request of the Ministry and EEDI, SECCA’s Senior expert in Energy auditing Mr Karolis Januševičius has prepared a Draft Report “Conceptualization of Quality Control for Mandatory Energy Audits and Implementation Roadmap in Kazakhstan”. This draft document, presenting a thorough analysis and a strategic 5-stage implementation plan (Figure 1) for improving Kazakhstan’s existing system, was submitted to the EEDI review, and then discussed during the Round Table.

Figure 1: Implementation Roadmap for the Quality Control of Energy Audits for the Industry in Kazakhstan.

Find the full Presentation on the Implementation Roadmap in this link.

This roadmap is designed to integrate a comprehensive QC system for energy audits, aligning with the EU best practices and ensuring adaptability to the specific context of Kazakhstan to enhance the effectiveness of energy audits, thus contributing to the country’s energy efficiency and sustainable development objectives.

The SECCA project intends to submit the conclusive Final Report to the Ministry in March 2024. It is expected to encapsulate the refined framework for energy audit QC, drawing on collaborative insights and experiences from both the EU and Kazakhstani experts, to foster enduring improvements in energy efficiency practices within Kazakhstan’s industrial sector.

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan – SECCA Key Experts (KEs) Paata Janelidze and Ilze Purina met with the students of the Institute of International Relations (IIR) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and delivered a presentation on “Sustainable Energy Development in the Context of Global Climate Change: SECCA Project Approaches”. More than 80 students attended this meeting.

During the meeting, the KEs officially awarded Mr Rakhmangylych Annageldyyew, the IIR student and the I prize winner of the European Union’s regional reel contest #Reels4SustainableEnergy, with the Certificate of Award. In November 2023, Mr Annageldyyew took part in the SECCA study tour to Latvia, which was the main prize of the contest, and learned about the Latvian experience in promotion of energy efficiency.

In their presentation, the KEs provided a brief information on the problem of climate change, climate financing, sustainable energy, general approach to national energy and climate planning, and the project’s experience of organising Sustainable Energy Days (SED) in Central Asia. SED in Turkmenistan was held in Mary just a week before on 14-15 December 2023.

Mary, Turkmenistan The European Union – Turkmenistan Sustainable Energy Days took place in the city of Mary.  The lectures for faculty members and students of the State Energy Institute, the Ecological action for schoolchildren, and the Award Ceremony to recognise the Most Energy Efficient School of Mary were organised as part of this campaign on 15 December 2023.

The campaign was held by the European Union (EU) through its project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)”, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated development of green cities in Ashgabat and Avaza”, and with the support of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, and the Hyakimlik of Mary Velayat.

Teachers and senior schoolchildren, representatives of the EU Delegation to Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Education, State Energy Institute, Education Department of the Mary Velayat, and the Mary Hyakimlik, UNDP and SECCA projects teams participated in the Ecological action for schoolchildren and the Award Ceremony to recognise the Most Energy Efficient School of Mary.

The Ecological action for schoolchildren included an introductory lecture on interlinkage of energy and climate change, sources of energy, and transition to green energy, a quiz challenge “Energy Efficiency Champions” , an art challenge “Our choice: Green Energy! Our future: Green Planet!” and a ceremony of planting trees. The UNDP’s “Climate Box” – a comprehensive learning toolkit designed specifically for educating schoolchildren about climate change and sustainable energy – was used for this action.

At the Award ceremony, School 28 was announced as the most energy efficient school among 36 public schools of Mary. The Evaluation Committee consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Education, State Energy Institute, Education Department of the Mary Velayat, and the Mary Hyakimlik carefully examined the schools based on a number of criteria, including electricity, natural gas, water consumption, consumption of thermal energy from other sources, number of green areas, implementation of energy efficiency and energy saving measures, relevant capacity building of teachers. Schools №23, №24, №25, №26, №29, which were shortlisted in the competition, received certificates of appreciation.

Ms Beata Peksa, EU Ambassador to Turkmenistan, said: “By sustainable energy, we understand achieving climate neutrality, deploying renewable energy and improving energy efficiency. Efforts to raise awareness, such as the Sustainable Energy Days, are instrumental in motivating citizens to act together and build healthy and green future for ourselves and future generations. I wholeheartedly congratulate winning School 28, its teachers and students, for this outstanding achievement. I also celebrate the shortlisted schools. I believe with your dedication to sustainability and environmental protection a lot of good things can be done.”

Ms Jemal Durdykova, UNDP project expert, said: “One of the goals of UNDP is to make individual and collective decisions and actions that will lead us to a sustainable future, since the fight against climate change is a common task that concerns everyone. In this regard, it is important not only to lead an ecological lifestyle ourselves, but also to push other people to a more sustainable lifestyle.”

In addition, the same day, more than 250 faculty members and students of the State Energy Institute took part in the lectures delivered by the experts from the EU Member States, Energy Community Contracting Parties, and of the SECCA project. The topics included the energy efficiency in buildings, ecodesign and energy labelling of electric appliances, prospects and challenges of green hydrogen production development, participation of the Central Asian countries in the EU’s “Horizon Europe” and “Horizon 2020” programmes.

On 14 December 2023, the International Conference “Sustainable energy in Turkmenistan: prospects and challenges” was held in Mary, within the campaign.


The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 European countries. It is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. It acts globally to promote sustainable development of societies, environment and economies, so that everyone can benefit.

The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects. Website:

UNDP project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated development of green cities in Ashgabat and Avaza”. The objective of the project is to significantly reduce the negative effects of urban growth in Turkmenistan and simultaneously achieve the goals of social and economic development. To this end, the project provides technical assistance, organizational and political support, the organization and development of programs, as well as the promotion of behavior change in combination with national priorities and specific needs formulated by the Government. The measures introduced in Ashgabat and Avaza have led to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and social benefits in themselves, as well as creating the basis for replication in other regions of Turkmenistan.

The Energy Community is an international organisation which brings together the European Union and its neighbours to create an integrated pan-European energy market. Its key objective is to extend the EU internal energy market rules and principles to countries in South East Europe, the Black Sea region and beyond on the basis of a legally binding framework. The Energy Community has nine Contracting Parties: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine.

The EU–Turkmenistan Sustainable Energy Days is part of the broader EU–Central Asia Sustainable Energy Days campaign. Its purpose is to enhance the awareness of all national stakeholder groups and the broader public in the region on the significance, benefits and accessibility of sustainable energy.

For additional information, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Communication strategist, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Turkmenistan:

Mary, Turkmenistan – More than 60 national stakeholders, energy policymakers, professionals of Turkmenistan, the European Union (EU), other Central Asian countries, international organisations and international financial institutions convened at the International Conference “Sustainable energy in Turkmenistan: prospects and challenges” (Conference). The delegates shared experiences and best practices in the implementation of renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) policies based on lessons learned by EU Member States and Energy Community Contracting Parties.

The Conference was organised by the EU through its project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)”, in partnership with the UNDP project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated development of green cities in Ashgabat and Avaza”, and with the support of the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Education, and the Hyakimlik of Mary Velayat. It is a part of the European Union – Turkmenistan Sustainable Energy Days 2023 campaign, which is being held in Mary on 14-15 December. The Conference will be followed by other campaign activities: the Ecological action for schoolchildren, the Award Ceremony to recognise the Most Energy Efficient School of Mary, and the Lectures for faculty members and students of the State Energy Institute.

Energy security is a national priority of Turkmenistan. The country has an abundant solar energy potential estimated at 655 GW. The development of the RE sector, improvement of EE and reduction of methane emissions would significantly contribute to the environmental protection, meeting the population’s growing energy demand and enhancing energy security. Furthermore, the country would be able to fulfil its climate targets, i.e., achieving zero growth of greenhouse gas emissions starting in 2030, and significant reductions of emissions in the longer term.

This year, at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), Turkmenistan joined the Global Methane Pledge. It is an important step that was welcomed by the world community.

Addressing the participants of the Conference, Ms Beata Peksa, EU Ambassador to Turkmenistan, stated: “The European Union commends Turkmenistan’s endeavours to revising its policies to promoting sustainable energy. With the great appreciation, we welcomed the announcement of the decision of the Government of Turkmenistan to join the Global Methane Pledge and other commitments made at the COP28. Now is the right time to discuss the way forward with key national stakeholders, international donors, and partners. We hope that this conference will be good opportunity to integrate lessons learned and experiences gained in the EU Member States and Energy Community Contracting Parties into the further process of sustainable energy policy development in Turkmenistan according to its needs. Through its projects, such as SECCA, the EU will continue supporting just energy transition in Turkmenistan.”

Mr Abdyrakhman Myratdurdyev, Chief Specialist of the Prospective Development Department of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, said: “Organisation of Sustainable Energy Days in Turkmenistan is timely and productive. Opportunities have been provided for the exchange of experience on energy efficient technologies, as well as for studying international experience in the development of renewable energy. Turkmenistan is implementing large-scale measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to the modernisation of technological equipment, greenhouse gas emissions in Turkmenistan have been significantly reduced. Large-scale integration of new advanced energy-efficient technologies and the latest achievements of world science into the production, distribution and consumption of electrical energy have become priority goals for increasing technological and economic efficiency in the electrical power industry of Turkmenistan. As part of the “Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028”, the construction of a gas turbine power plant with a capacity of 1574 MW, operating on a combined cycle, has begun. In 2021, a new Law of Turkmenistan “On Renewable Energy Sources” was adopted, which gave a great impetus to the development of renewable energy in Turkmenistan. Construction of a solar-wind hybrid power plant with a capacity of 10 MW has begun.”

During the Conference, the delegates discussed the design and implementation of EE policies, examined integrated solutions for the promotion of RE, as well as the future of green hydrogen. They reviewed extensively the experiences of the EU Member States and the Central Asian countries.


The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 European countries. It is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. It acts globally to promote sustainable development of societies, environment and economies, so that everyone can benefit.

The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects. Website:

UNDP project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated development of green cities in Ashgabat and Avaza” aims to significantly reduce the negative effects of urban growth in Turkmenistan and simultaneously achieve the goals of social and economic development. To this end, the project provides technical assistance, organizational and political support, the organization and development of programs, as well as the promotion of behaviour change in combination with national priorities and specific needs formulated by the Government. The measures introduced in Ashgabat and Avaza have led to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and social benefits in themselves, as well as creating the basis for replication in other regions of Turkmenistan.

The Energy Community is an international organisation which brings together the European Union and its neighbours to create an integrated pan-European energy market. Its key objective is to extend the EU internal energy market rules and principles to countries in South East Europe, the Black Sea region and beyond on the basis of a legally binding framework. The Energy Community has nine Contracting Parties: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine.

The EU–Turkmenistan Sustainable Energy Days is part of the broader EU–Central Asia Sustainable Energy Days campaign. Its purpose is to enhance the awareness of all national stakeholder groups and the broader public in the region on the significance, benefits and accessibility of sustainable energy.

For additional information, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Communication strategist, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Turkmenistan:

Astana, Kazakhstan – At the request of the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Ministry), the European Union’s SECCA project provided a technical assistance in the amendment of the Bylaw on Conducting of Energy Audit.

SECCA Senior Energy Audits Expert Ms Aliya Iskhakova worked on the revision of this Bylaw and assisted the Ministry in the process of follow-up and approval of the document.

As a result, the revised Bylaw on Energy Audit was signed by the Ministry on 29 November 2023 and duly registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Order of the Minister of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 94 dated 29 November 2023 in Kazakh and Russian is available here.

Abstract to the document in Russian is published here.

Astana, Kazakhstan – SECCA Senior Energy-Climate Data and Policy Expert Mr Aidyn Bakdolotov conducted “The Analysis of the current situation regarding methane emissions in the sectors of Kazakhstan’s economy for the years 1990-2021” (Analysis) at the request of Kazakhstan’s Green Academy Scientific Research and Education Centre.

At present, methane constitutes an average of 12.4 % in Kazakhstan in the national greenhouse gas emissions profile. According to the updated data from «Zhasyl Damu» JSC, for the period 1990-2021, annual methane emissions in Kazakhstan have decreased by 40.8 %, from 4029.1 kt in 1990 to 2386.2 kt in 2021. By 2030, Kazakhstan aims to reduce methane emissions by 4.9 % compared to the 2020 level.

Within the scope of the Analysis, Mr Bakdolotov projected methane emissions in Kazakhstan until 2030 under the following three scenarios:

  • Reference scenario. This scenario assumes no proactive measures from the government or businesses to implement methane reduction strategies.
  • Methane reduction scenario in the oil and gas sector. This scenario assumes that companies operating in Kazakhstan’s oil and gas sector will actively adopt existing best practices to reduce methane emissions resulting from their economic activities.
  • Target scenario. Under this scenario, it is anticipated that, apart from the oil and gas sector, significant reductions in emissions will also take place in the coal industry and the waste management sector.

The target scenario assumes that Kazakhstan will take proactive steps by 2030 to reduce methane emissions in the oil and gas sector, the coal industry, and the waste sector. SECCA expert examined the current policies and strategies undertaken by the Kazakh Government, as well as measures and technologies that can be introduced and implemented to achieve the set goals. He concludes that, as a result of actions undertaken according to the target scenario, methane emissions in 2030 will amount to 2,075.42 kt, which is 4.9 % lower than the 2020 level (2,183.19 kt).

The results of the Analysis were submitted to Green Academy and to some extent contributed to the Government’s decision to join the Global Methane Pledge (GMP), which Kazakhstan announced at the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28).

Accession to GMP enables Kazakhstan to achieve its climate goals, mitigate climate change, prevent environmental degradation, introduce new technologies, as well as access climate finance.



Led by the United States of America and the European Union, the Global Methane Pledge was launched at COP 26 in November 2021 in Glasgow. Its overall goal is to reduce global methane emissions by at least 30 % below 2020 levels by 2030. Meeting the GMP target has the potential to make an enormous impact on climate change. It is particularly important to act in the period up to 2030, as sharp cuts in methane can deliver a net cooling effect within a relatively short period. This could keep the door open to a 1.5°C stabilisation in global average temperatures (IEA, 2022). More than 150 countries, signatories to the Paris Agreement, have already joined the GMP.

SECCA project has been actively involved in consultation process to support Kazakhstan’s accession to the GMP. On 8 September 2023, the project took part in the II Political Dialogue “Global Methane Pledge: World Experience and Kazakhstan” and presented on the priorities and implementation of GMP in Central Asia.

Ogre, Latvia – From 27 November to 1 December 2023, Olga Soloshenko, Head teacher of Ecological-economic Lyceum №65 (Kyrgyzstan), Muhibullo Zuvaidullozoda, Head teacher of International Presidential School (Tajikistan), Kamola Azimkhodjaeva, Head teacher of School №242 (Uzbekistan), and Kulpash Ibysheva, Deputy Head teacher of School-Lyceum №59 (Kazakhstan) took part in the SECCA project’s study tour “Promotion of Energy Efficiency – Latvian Experience”.

Within the European Union – Central Asia Sustainable Energy Days 2023, these four Schools representing the capital cities Astana, Bishkek, Dushanbe, Tashkent have been awarded as “The Most Energy Efficient School” and received an invitation to participate in the study tour.

As part of the study tour, the participants visited Ogre State Gymnasium – a new public school located in the town of Ogre in Latvia. The school opened this year and provides education for almost 700 students. It is one of the most modern schools in Latvia built with the support of the European Union. Much attention was paid to environmentally friendly solutions and energy efficiency in the construction. About 100 young people and educators from other schools were also involved in the building design process, who shared their vision of what a modern, future-oriented educational institution should look like.

The building of the Ogre State Gymnasium is one of the 12 nominees of the Latvian Architecture Year Award 2023. Furthermore, in the “The Most Valuable Baltic Buildings and Projects in 2023” Competition, the school won the 1st prize in the “Most Sustainable Project” nomination.

During the visit, Head teacher Inna Zeņkeviča warmly welcomed the guests from Central Asia and showed them around the school, and shared about sustainability practices implemented at the school.

The European Union – Central Asia Sustainable Energy Days campaign is organised by the European Union’s SECCA project. Its purpose is to enhance the awareness of all national stakeholder groups and the broader public in the region on the significance, benefits and accessibility of sustainable energy.

Riga, Latvia – Students, young researchers and professionals, as well as representatives of the most energy efficient schools from the countries of Central Asia (CA) are visiting Latvia for a week-long study tour “Promotion of Energy Efficiency – Latvian Experience”. Total 12 participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are taking part in the event at the invitation of the European Union (EU). They are the winners of the EU contests #Reels4SustainableEnergy and for the best Sustainable Energy Mural Design, as well as the representatives of the schools nominated as “The Most Energy Efficient School” among secondary schools of the CA capitals.

The study tour, organised by the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” from 27 November to 1 December 2023, demonstrates Latvia’s successful examples of energy efficiency (EE) and energy saving practices implemented by the public and private sectors.

“Energy Efficiency First” is a guiding principle of the EU’s energy policy, which complements other EU objectives, particularly in the areas of sustainability, climate neutrality and green growth. This principle emphasises the need to reduce fossil fuel consumption, and that only the energy really needed should be produced. Reducing energy demand, in turn, can help control the level of investment needed for the transition towards renewables.

Latvia, the EU member state, has shown a steady progress towards its national energy and climate targets. According to the Latvian Official Statistics (2023), compared to 2021, gross consumption of natural gas reduced by 28.2 % in 2022. Along with the declining use of natural gas, country’s CO2 intensity dropped by 40 % over the last decade, and the proportion of renewables in gross energy consumption has reached 43.3 %. Latvia has the third highest share of renewables in the final energy consumption in the EU.

SECCA Key Expert Ms Ilze Purina addressed the participants: “This European Union study tour is your deserved award, and I am happy to welcome you in Latvia! It is encouraging to see that more and more young people are engaging in environmental and climate action. Our primary objective in organising this study tour is to support the youth and people who educate the youth in gaining new knowledge and skills for a green energy transition. I hope this experience will inspire your work and research further, and will thus contribute to the sustainable future of your respective countries”.

In the course of the study tour, the participants meet experts and professionals of the Latvian Ministry of Economy, Riga Energy Agency, Riga Technical University, University of Children and Youth, University for Future Engineers, Getlini solid waste landfill, Ogre Library, Ogre State Gymnasium, Electrum Energy Efficiency Centre, Cleantech Latvia, Dzintaru Concert Hall. The host organisations present their experience in EE promotion implemented through various activities, including renovation of buildings, sustainable construction, effective use of resources, interaction with the public, student education and involvement in innovation processes, and support for start-ups.

Study tour programme and presentations


The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 European countries. It is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. It acts globally to promote sustainable development of societies, environment and economies, so that everyone can benefit.

The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects. Website:

For additional information and media inquiries, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Communication strategist, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan:

Astana, Kazakhstan – Representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, power industry enterprises, international organisations, and non-governmental organisations gathered at the Expert Meeting “Energy transition in the power sector of Kazakhstan” and discussed modernisation of the country’s aging energy system, deployment of renewable energy, coal dominance in electricity production and consequences of abandoning coal. The meeting was organised jointly by Agora Energiewende, ECOJER Association, and “Qazaq Green” Renewable Energy Association. The European Union’s SECCA project presented energy scenarios for Kazakhstan.

Within less than 40 years, Kazakhstan needs to find innovative solutions for the supply of heat and electricity to industry, cities, and settlements in a sharply continental climate. Experts agree that renewable electricity is a key to energy transition and achievement of carbon neutrality in Kazakhstan by 2060. As of the third quarter of 2023, the contribution of non-hydropower renewable energy sources to Kazakhstan’s electricity mix has already reached 6 %. The goal is to raise this figure to 15 % by 2030 and ambitiously target a 50 % share of alternative energy generation by 2050.

However, the outdated infrastructure and related to it bottlenecks, lack of flexibility, low electricity tariffs and resulting chronic underinvestment in the power sector present some significant challenges for Kazakhstan. The specific challenge is the abundance of coal-fired generation that impedes the achievement of 2030 NDC target (to reduce GHG emissions by 15% below 1990 levels, including LULUCF) and 2060 carbon neutrality target.[1]

At the event, SECCA project was represented by Team Leader Mr Paata Janelidze, Senior Energy Modelling Expert Mr Rocco De Miglio, and Energy Expert Mr Zhaksylyk Tokayev. Mr De Miglio presented on “From Coals to Goals: Challenges towards carbon neutrality in Kazakhstan” (see the presentation below in English and Russian).

In the scope of the SECCA project, Mr De Miglio applied an energy system model to explore the role of coal in the future energy mix of Kazakhstan under different influencing conditions.

He organised his analysis into a “large explorative exercise” with 240 cases to investigate the “combined” impact of the following influencing factors: different CO2 prices (to represent incremental greenhouse gas mitigation ambitions), and carbon capture and storage potential, development of nuclear energy, support of coal-fired stations, costs of renewable energy sources and hydrogen, contribution of emission offset options  (to represent the associated uncertainties). The study was conducted jointly with local experts.

The key finding of this analysis is that even under the most favourable conditions, the coal consumption in the medium-long term is hardly compatible with medium-deep emissions mitigation ambitions. If new coal-based plants/facilities are built in the next years, there is high risk of “stranded” assets for Kazakhstan.

The type of model used for this analysis can be applied to investigate very different strategic questions. The SECCA team encourages the dialogue between different stakeholders and the “co-design” of additional model-based experiments to support critical thinking and decision-making.

The “core” model files are available on a collaborative platform, access can be granted to local experts and Institutions for further development and use in the framework of the SECCA project (“co-development”), and/or for independent utilisations.[2]

[1] Agora Energiewende, ECOJER Association, “Qazaq Green” Renewable Energy Association (2023), The Agenda of the Expert Meeting “Energy transition in the power sector of Kazakhstan”, 23 November 2023.

[2] To request access, contact SECCA project at

“From Coals to Goals: Challenges towards carbon neutrality in Kazakhstan”

Presentation by Mr Rocco De Miglio, SECCA Energy Sector Modelling Expert

Tbilisi, Georgia – A Delegation, comprised of 16 senior government officials and energy sector experts from the countries of Central Asia (CA), at the invitation of the European Union (EU), visited Georgia for a study tour on “Sustainable Energy in Practice: Georgia’s Success and EU Best Practices”.

Organised by the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)”, the study tour from 13 to 21 November 2023 showcased Georgia’s successful energy sector reforms, aligned with EU policies and Energy Community standards.

Under the European Green Deal, the EU Member States are moving towards a climate neutral economy. To ensure that no one is left behind, the EU prioritises just and inclusive energy transition globally and calls for acting decisively on renewables and energy efficiency deployment. With 70 % of its electricity sourced from renewables, Georgia stands out as a regional renewable powerhouse. Through strategic reforms aligned with EU integration and Green Deal, Georgia has transformed its energy sector, embracing renewables, ensuring energy security and making its energy sector a key driver of the regional economy. Moreover, with initiatives like the EU’s Global Gateway, Georgia aims to become a net electricity exporter to Europe.

The SECCA project applied a practice-oriented approach to link meetings, site-visits, discussions, and interactions organised within the study tour to the needs and priorities of the participants.

“Kyrgyzstan and Georgia have a lot in common in terms of nature and hydropower resources. With the helpful coordination by the European Union’s SECCA project, we signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Georgian Energy Development Fund (GEDF) during this study tour to establish cooperation and exchange experience and best practices. Of particular interest to us is the GEDF’s experience in identifying promising renewable energy projects and supporting their development through pre-feasibility studies and preliminary environmental impact assessments, as well as promotion of green investments”, stated Mr Emilbek Orozbaev, Director of the Green Energy Fund under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic.

“Increasing energy efficiency and diversifying energy supply through renewables are national priorities for Uzbekistan. During this study tour, the host organisations provided comprehensive information on how Georgia is addressing growing domestic energy demand and reducing dependence on fossil fuels, by aligning policies with those of the European Union and developing the renewable energy sector. There are many conclusions drawn that we can refine and apply in our countries,” said Mr Sanjar Kasimov, Chief Specialist of the Department of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Audit of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The programme provided opportunity for extensive knowledge sharing between the participants and local experts from governmental and non-governmental organisations, private sector players, and investors. The CA delegates gained first-hand knowledge on overall policy and legal framework for the promotion of sustainable energy, integrated energy and climate planning, practical aspects of promotion of energy efficiency in buildings and industry, project development and implementation, promotion of green investments, renewable energy auctions, and regional networks.

This study tour aligns with the EU’s international efforts to promote sustainable energy policies, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance energy efficiency to meet the Paris Agreement targets by all partner countries. It underscores the significance of international cooperation in achieving just energy transition. Main goals of this study tour were to enhance capacities of national governments, mutual exchange of knowledge and skills, review of practical policy development aspects. I hope within these days we achieved our goals and will continue our collaboration back in the region”, concluded Mr Paata Janelidze, SECCA Team Leader.

Study tour programme and presentations

About SECCA:

The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects. Website:

For additional information and media inquiries, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Communication strategist, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication Expert, SECCA, email:, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan:

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