Turkmenistan – SECCA Key Experts (KEs) Paata Janelidze and Ilze Purina visited Turkmenistan this week and held meetings in Ashgabat and Mary with representatives of the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Education, the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, and the Turkmengas State Concern. Improvement of energy efficiency (EE), introduction of renewable energy (RE) sources into power generation system, possibilities for methane emissions reductions and raising public awareness on sustainable energy were the main topics of discussions.

With one of the largest natural gas reserves in the world, Turkmenistan relies heavily on this resource as it covers most of the country’s energy needs, as well as its exports. Low tariffs for electricity and natural gas led to low awareness on EE. As a result, the country was ranked among top-5 most energy-intensive economies in the world in 2019.

At the same time, the country has estimated total 666 GW potential in RE. The greatest share of this potential is with the solar energy estimated at 655 GW, followed by wind and hydropower. The development of this sector, along with reduction of methane emissions (from energy, agriculture and wastes) would significantly contribute to the environmental protection and energy supply, as well as fulfilment of the country’s climate targets, i.e. achieving zero growth of greenhouse gas emissions starting in 2030, and significant reductions of emissions in the longer term.

During the visit’s first day, the project experts met with the specialists of the Ministry of Energy in Ashgabat to explore cooperation in the fields of EE and RE. They discussed the SECCA work plan for Turkmenistan, preparations for the forthcoming EU Sustainable Energy Days (SEDs) in Turkmenistan, potential technical assistance from the project, and support in drafting legal and regulatory documents.

The project experts also met with representatives of the Ministry of Education to plan out identification of the most energy efficient school of the Ashgabat city and conducting activities with schoolchildren to raise awareness on sustainable energy among the school teachers, students, parents, and the general public.

The project team spent the subsequent two days in Mary, where, Mr Janelidze, Ms Purina and Ms Jemal Durdykova, expert of the UNDP project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated Green Urban Development in Ashgabat and Avaza” met the management of the State Energy Institute (Institute) and the Scientific-Production Centre under the Institute. Discussions covered the Institute’s activities, including green hydrogen initiatives, the need for SECCA’s technical assistance, and the SEDs programme. The SECCA KEs and the UNDP expert also addressed approximately 150 senior students from the Institute, delivering presentations integrated energy and climate planning, RE/EE project cycle, climate finance, and on municipal solid waste-to-energy projects. The Institute specialists, in turn, demonstrated their pilot energy projects.

The next day, the technical workshop “Study of international experience in development of regulatory legal acts and regulatory and technical documents in the field of energy saving and EE” was jointly organised with the UNDP project for the teachers and professors of the Institute. SECCA presented on two topics: (i) Renewable Energy in Central Asia: Possible Small and Medium Scale Solutions; (ii) Experience of holding Sustainable Energy Days in Central Asia.

Upon returning to Ashgabat, the team met with the Turkmengas State Concern to discuss Turkmenistan’s accession to the Global Methane Pledge, which is on the country’s political agenda, and explored possible solutions to address the issue of the Darvaza crater.

On the final day of the visit, the team reconvened with the Ministry of Energy to inform on the visit’s outcomes. In the afternoon, SECCA participated in the 6th meeting of the Development Partners Climate Group, co-organised by the UNDP and the British Embassy, presenting its activities in Turkmenistan.

Recognizing that the Turkmen Government has undertaken first important steps towards transition to a more sustainable energy system, now is the prime moment for the key stakeholders, both national and international, to act and step up cooperation. Turkmenistan already adopted the Law on Renewable Energy Sources in 2021 with a focus on development of RE and provision of major incentives for RE projects, whereas a new Law on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving is currently under consideration of the Parliament of Turkmenistan. Moreover, the Government intends to continue exploring green and blue hydrogen production possibilities in the country. The European Union welcomes these initiatives and stands ready, through its SECCA project, to support Turkmenistan’s aspirations and targets on the path to sustainable energy transition and sustainable development.

Astana, Kazakhstan – Representatives of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, national line ministries and government agencies, the European Union (EU), international organisations and partners, national and international experts, business and non-governmental organisations attended the II Political Dialogue “Global Methane Pledge: World Experience and Kazakhstan”.

The Policy Dialogue was organised jointly by the Committee on Ecology and Nature Management of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Ecology and  Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the REC “Green Academy”, with the support of the EU, USAID, and EBRD.

The purposes of this meeting were to discuss the international experience of joining Global Methane Pledge (GMP), the results of a country capacity assessment carried out by national and international experts, and the development of recommendations to Kazakhstan ahead of the upcoming 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28).

Led by the United States and the EU, GMP was launched at COP 26 in November 2021 in Glasgow. Its overall goal is to reduce global methane emissions by at least 30% below 2020 levels by 2030. Meeting the GMP target has the potential to make an enormous impact on climate change. It is particularly important to act in the period up to 2030, as sharp cuts in methane can deliver a net cooling effect within a relatively short period. This could keep the door open to a 1.5°C stabilisation in global average temperatures (IEA, 2022). More than 150 countries, signatories to the Paris Agreement, have already joined the GMP.

In Kazakhstan, methane emissions amounted to 2 million 400 thousand tons or 17.6% of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2021. The country’s energy sector is responsible for 49.5% of it, this contribution having increased sharply compared to 30.6% in 2020 (Green Academy, IGTIPC, 2023). Reduction of these emissions is considered in the updated Nationally Determined Contributions of Kazakhstan (NDC) submitted in June 2023, and certain actions have already been undertaken by the Government.

Accession to GMP would enable Kazakhstan to achieve its climate goals, mitigate climate change, prevent environmental degradation, introduce new technologies, as well as to access climate finance.

The EU’s SECCA project will provide support by conducting an analysis of the methane emissions by sectors for 1990-2021, developing of scenarios of changes in methane emissions up to 2030, taking into account NDС. At the meeting, SECCA Team Leader Paata Janelidze presented on the priorities and implementation of GMP in Central Asia.

Following the discussion, the participants presented draft recommendations to the Government of Kazakhstan to achieve climate neutrality by 2060. These recommendations include scaling and decentralisation of renewable energy sources, introduction of Best Available Techniques and Strategic Environmental Assessment mechanisms, support and stimulation of transition of transport from diesel fuel to electricity, improvement of GHG emissions monitoring system, introduction of transparent and effective emissions trading system (ETS) and its integration into international ETS (EU), development of hydrogen, bio and other alternative energy to ensure the country’s energy security.

Astana, Kazakhstan – The national experts of Kazakhstan on energy efficiency and energy saving attended a technical workshop “Quality Control of Energy Audits for the Industry” organised jointly by the EU’s SECCA project and the Electric Power and Energy-Saving Development Institute (EEDI) of Kazakhstan.

The SECCA project has established cooperation with EEDI in summer 2023 with an overall objective to introduce an improved energy audits quality control system for the industry in Kazakhstan.

Energy audits are an essential tool to achieve energy savings. They assess the existing energy consumption and identify ways to improve energy efficiency (EE). Properly conducted energy audits result in a list of recommendations for sustainable and efficient energy use, which has many benefits for industry, as well as populations and the environment around. It helps industrial enterprises become less energy- and resource-intensive, thus decreasing production costs and increasing performance and profitability. It fosters innovation and investments, increasing a company’s comparative advantage on the market. Last but not least, EE significantly reduces harmful emissions, which cause climate change and degradation of human health and the environment.

SECCA’s Senior expert in Energy auditing Mr Karolis Januševičius has been assigned to map out the country’s existing energy audit quality control system and identify possible gaps and improvement opportunities. He reported on initial findings at the workshop: “Kazakhstan’s energy audit system for industry is noteworthy, standing as one of the most advanced in the region. However, the untapped potential exists to elevate the quality of these audits even further, and it is the right time to take action. Doing so could unlock greater value for the industrial sector and contribute meaningfully to the nation’s economic and energy goals. It’s encouraging to see that EEDI take a proactive approach by exploring and adapting EU and Energy Community best practices to enrich the local context”.

Based on the experience and best practices of the EU and Energy Community countries and by involving the local experts of EEDI, the SECCA project aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality assurance system for energy audits in industry.

During the workshop, the participants discussed key elements of a quality management system, value delivered through energy audits, the initial assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the current quality control of energy audits in Kazakhstan, potential changes to the current setup and potential barriers and solutions for implementing proposed improvements.

The workshop agenda is available here.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan – More than 100 stakeholders, energy policymakers, representatives of academia and civil society from the Republic of Uzbekistan, the European Union (EU) and its Member States, as well as international financial institutions gathered at the International Conference “Energy Efficiency in Uzbekistan: prospects and challenges” (Conference).

The Conference was organised jointly by the Agency for Strategic Reforms (ASR) under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the EU-funded SECCA project as part of the European Union – Uzbekistan Sustainable Energy Days 2023. It aimed at providing an action-oriented forum for decision-makers to share experiences in the implementation of energy efficiency policies in practice.

Energy efficiency has many economic, social and environmental benefits. It is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to combat climate change and reduce harmful to human health and quality of life emissions and pollutants. Improved energy efficiency will also lower utility bills for people, businesses, and industry, and provide new job and economic opportunities for the population.

Current subsidised energy tariffs in Uzbekistan do not encourage residential and industrial consumers to improve energy efficiency, even though it would make economic sense (IEA, 2022). Nevertheless, the energy sector transformation included in the Uzbek government’s structural and institutional reform package, introduced by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, is encouraging. Currently, the government is revising policies and implementation mechanisms to promote end-use energy efficiency. Therefore, now is the right time to discuss with key national stakeholders, international donors, and partners the way forward.

Addressing the participants of the Conference, H.E. Ms Charlotte Adriaen, EU Ambassador to Uzbekistan, stated: “To meet the Paris Agreement targets, energy efficiency needs to be prioritised. By using energy more efficiently and consuming less, we can considerably help protect the environment, mitigate negative effects of climate change and enhance energy security. Uzbekistan is implementing a wide-range energy sector reform to promote energy efficiency and scale up clean and renewable energy. The EU welcomes Uzbekistan’s commitments and achievements in transition to sustainable energy and applauds the Uzbek government and Uzbek people for the progress with reforming the energy sector made so far. We encourage Uzbekistan to continue its endeavours on paving the way to green transition.

In turn, Mr Shukhrat Vafayev, Director General of the Agency for Strategic Reforms under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, noted: “Several important documents have been adopted: in 2019 we adopted the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the use of renewable energy sources” and “On public-private partnership”, in 2020 the Law “On the rational use of energy” in a new version. We also ratified the Paris Agreement and adopted several Government Resolutions regulating work in this area. Our goal is to increase energy efficiency throughout the country by 20% by 2026 and 1.5 times by 2030. We also aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2026 and to ensure that 14 GW of new renewable energy facilities are put into operation by 2030. The experience of the European Union in the field of energy efficiency is a striking example, which we can apply in Uzbekistan”.

During the Conference, the participants discussed overall policy and legal framework for the promotion of end-use energy efficiency, data collection on energy consumption, energy audits in industry, energy efficiency in residential and public buildings, and other topics, and agreed to work together to develop and implement sustainable energy policies and projects in Uzbekistan.


Background: The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects.

The EU – Uzbekistan Sustainable Energy Days is part of the broader EU – Central Asia Sustainable Energy Days campaign. Its purpose is to enhance the awareness of all national stakeholder groups and the broader public in the region on the significance, benefits and accessibility of sustainable energy.

For additional information, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Communication strategist, SECCA, email: media@secca.eu, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication Expert, SECCA, email: nurgul.smagulova@secca.eu, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan: delegation-uzbekistan@eeas.europa.eu.

Conference videos

Astana, Kazakhstan Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission for Inter-institutional Relations and Foresight awarded the winners of the European Union (EU) contests #Reels4SustainableEnergy and for the best Sustainable Energy Mural Design, and announced the main prize – a study tour to Europe to learn about the European experience in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable energy transition (to be organised by the EU-funded SECCA project tentatively in autumn 2023).

Addressing the participants of the Conference and the contestants, Vice-President Šefčovič reiterated the EU support and stated: It is always a pleasure to see such innovation and creativity, especially when it comes to a topic as important as sustainable energy – a key solution to tackling climate change. Efforts to raise awareness, such as the Sustainable Energy Days are instrumental in motivating citizens in acting together for the green transition. We need engagement for all, and not least the younger generation, to succeed in saving our planet.”

The EU’s regional contest #Reels4SustainableEnergy among university students, young researchers and young professionals in the area of engineering, energy, environment or climate studies from Central Asia was organized by the SECCA project with the aim to promote the environmental and economic benefits of saving energy, facilitate energy efficiency, increase public awareness on the need to scale up the use of renewable energy, and to foster creative capacity of young people. A total of 67 reels from all over the region were published on Instagram and 6 winners of the reels contest were awarded:

I prize: Rakhmangylych Annageldyyew, Centre for Sustainable Development, Energy, and Water Diplomacy, Institute of International Relations (Turkmenistan)

II prize: Aisuluu Kolbaeva, Snow Leopard Foundation (Kyrgyzstan) and Aruzhan Yerzhanova, CATEK Green Energy LLP (Kazakhstan)

III prize: Arman Makhambetov, JSC “KEGOC” (Kazakhstan), Mukhit Askaruly, Al-Farabi Kazakh National university (Kazakhstan), and Darkhan Zhaliyev, JSC “Intergas Central Asia” (Kazakhstan).

The purposes of the EU’s contest for the best mural design in Kazakhstan called “Sustainable Energy for a Better Future”, also organized by SECCA, were to raise awareness of the need to switch to green energy and energy efficiency, create understanding of sustainable energy concept and promote creative growth of talented artists and their involvement in the formation of the capital city’s positive image, taking into account current climate advocacy trends. 40 works were received from the contestants, and 2 winners were announced after careful evaluation:

I prize: Zhuldyz Serikova and II prize: Medgat Mussayev (Kazakhstan).

The work of Zhuldyz Serikova will be reproduced on the wall of the School-Lyceum №59, the most energy efficient school of the city of Astana, as identified based on the desk research of the SECCA project among 100 public schools of the capital city.

The Award Ceremony was held as part of the International Conference “Sustainable energy in Kazakhstan: prospects and challenges” organised within the 1st EU – Kazakhstan Sustainable Energy Days.

Background: The Conference “Sustainable energy in Kazakhstan: prospects and challenges” was part of the III International Congress “Carbon Neutrality Pathways” (Congress) organised by the Association of Regional Environmental Initiatives “Ecojer” in close cooperation with the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia” (SECCA) and with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More than 70 high-level officials from the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union (EU), sustainable energy experts, representatives of civil society, business, and international financial institutions attended the event.

The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects.

For additional information, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Communication strategist, SECCA, email: media@secca.eu, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication Expert, SECCA, email: nurgul.smagulova@secca.eu, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan: delegation-kazakhstan-pic@eeas.europa.eu.

The Award Ceremony video

The video of first prize winner of the regional EU contest #Reels4SustainableEnergy 

The designs of winners of the EU contest in Kazakhstan for the best mural design:


The Award Ceremony photographs

Astana, Kazakhstan – The Award Ceremony to recognise the most energy efficient school of the city of Astana was held today. School Lyceum 59 was recognised as the most energy efficient among 100 public schools of the capital city.

The Ceremony was organised by European Union through its project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia” (SECCA) together with the city of Astana as part of the EU–Kazakhstan Sustainable Energy Days and marked the International Children’s Day. The event was attended by the teachers, students, parents, city representatives as well as the Ambassadors of the European Union and the EU Member States.

H.E. Mr Kestutis Jankauskas, the EU Ambassador to Kazakhstan, awarded the school with the prize together with Mr Bagdat Baisadikov, the Deputy Head of the Department of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Astana City Mayor’s Office.

Addressing the participants, Ambassador Jankauskas stated: “The most energy efficient school” award is a remarkable achievement of your school! Congratulations! Well done the school, teachers, children and their parents! I hope you will inspire other schools to follow you to make life greener and the environment healthier. It is a great contribution to Kazakhstan’s journey towards green economy. The European Union is your partner on this exciting journey!”.

After the award ceremony, the students of the school took part in a flash mob on electric scooters under the slogan Reduce Carbon Emissions, Save the Planet!”. The purpose of the flashmob was to draw attention to the high greenhouse gas emissions produced by the transport, which leads to the deterioration of the environment, climate and consequently human health, and to inspire people to choose more environmentally friendly means of transportation.

One representative of the school was also invited to the EU study tour to Europe, which is scheduled to take place preliminarily in autumn 2023, to learn the European experience and best practices on promotion of sustainable energy. Furthermore, the EU will present the school a mural (monumental wall painting), which will be selected as a result of the EU competition for the best mural design in Kazakhstan “Sustainable Energy for a Better Future”.

The EU Sustainable Energy Days are being held in Kazakhstan and all countries of Central Asia to raise awareness among all national stakeholder groups and the general public about the importance, benefits and accessibility of sustainable energy.

Background: The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects.

For additional information, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Communication strategist, SECCA, email: media@secca.eu, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication Expert, SECCA, email: nurgul.smagulova@secca.eu, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan: delegation-kazakhstan-pic@eeas.europa.eu.


Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan – The award ceremony for the most energy efficient school in Bishkek took place today in the Yntymak city park. Ecological-economic Lyceum No. 65 was recognized as the most energy efficient school in the capital city. This nomination recognises the contribution of the school and the teachers to the formation of schoolchildren’s skills in the careful and rational use of natural resources, promotion of energy saving and sustainable energy consumption.

The event was organised by the European Union (EU) project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia” (SECCA) with the support of the Administration of Education of the Bishkek City Mayor’s Office as part of the EU festival “Europe Summer Fest Bishkek 2023” and the EU Sustainable Energy Days in Kyrgyzstan.

The event was attended by the lyceum management, teachers, students and their parents, representatives of the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, the Administration of Education of the Bishkek City Mayor’s Office and the general public.

Mr Hans Farnhammer, Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, and Ms Ainura Arstambekova, Director of Administration of Education, awarded the Lyceum with a diploma. Mr Paata Janelidze, SECCA Team Leader, presented to Ms Olga Soloshenko, the Lyceum director, a commemorative crystal figurine and donated the educational and methodological manual for schoolchildren “Climate Change Issues” as a gift from the project.

After the award ceremony, the schoolchildren took part in a flash mob on electric scooters under the slogan “Reduce Carbon Emissions, Save the Planet!”. The purpose of the flashmob was to draw attention to the high levels of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the transport that lead to the deterioration of the environment, climate and consequently human health, and to inspire people to choose more environmentally friendly means of transportation.

The Sustainable Energy Days are held in Kyrgyzstan and all countries of Central Asia with the aim to raise awareness among all national stakeholder groups and the general public in the region about the importance, benefits and accessibility of sustainable energy.

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan — The EU’s SECCA Project organized a training on formation of the energy balance and calculation of energy efficiency indicators.

Experts of National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, Centre of Intellectual Data of the Kyrgyz Republic, Administrations of Statistics of Bishkek City and Chuy region took part in the training.

Experts of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan shared experience with the colleagues on methodology and structure of energy balance, improving efficiency of fuel data collection, generating indicators on energy statistics and energy efficiency, developing SDG target indicators for energy statistics, etc.

🔗Training presentations are available here.

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan – More than 50 national stakeholders of the Kyrgyz Republic, sustainable energy policymakers and experts from the European Union (EU), as well as representatives of academia, civil society, business, and international financial institutions gathered at the International Conference “Sustainable energy in Kyrgyzstan: prospects and challenges” (Conference) today.

The Conference was organised jointly by the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic and the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia” (SECCA). It marked the World Climate Change Day and kicked off the EU Sustainable Energy Days 2023 (SED) in the Kyrgyz Republic.

SED takes place in the Kyrgyz Republic first out of the five countries of Central Asia (CA). The purpose of this EU campaign is to enhance the awareness of all national stakeholder groups and the broader public in the region on the significance, benefits and accessibility of sustainable energy.

The geography and topography of the Kyrgyz Republic makes it one of the most vulnerable to climate change and natural hazards countries in CA. The country is projected to experience temperature rises considerably above the global average. Climate change has a significant adverse effect on the energy supply, which is already under pressure. Although a relatively small emitter of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Kyrgyzstan nevertheless committed to reduce emissions further under the updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 2021. The transformation of the energy sector, which is responsible for 60% of countries GHG emissions, is at the core of the country’s mitigation plan.

The Conference provided an action-oriented forum for decision-makers and experts to share knowledge and experiences in the implementation of renewable energy and energy efficiency policies and projects in practice. In addition, the delegates from the EU and EU Member States shared experience and best practices based on the lessons learnt.

Addressing the participants, Mr Hans Farnhammer, Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, reiterated the EU support to the country and stated: “In November 2022, the EU launched the Global Gateway Team Europe Initiative on Water, Energy and Climate Change in Central Asia. This flagship initiative aims to support regional cooperation, contribute to sustainable management of water and energy resources, address environmental and climate change challenges. The Kyrgyz Republic has made strong commitments to tackle climate change. We welcome the Kyrgyz Government’s plans to decrease the consumption of fossil fuels, scale up renewables, modernise the energy supply system and promote energy efficient consumption, and are ready to share the EU know-how and experience. As the world’s biggest donor, the EU is committed to continue supporting the country in its adaptation and mitigation efforts for a fair transition towards climate neutrality.”

During the Conference, the participants discussed development and implementation of policies on renewable energy and energy efficiency. As part of the discussion, they reviewed relevant policies and experience of the EU Member States, European Neighbourhood countries, and the CA countries, and provided recommendations for future development of the energy sector of the Kyrgyz Republic. Last but not least, the participants discussed available financial mechanisms for sustainable energy projects.

Background: The EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)” (from March 2022 to March 2026) aims to promote a sustainable energy mix in the Central Asia region in line with EU best practices. To fulfil its mission, SECCA strives to provide for strengthened and more inclusive policy, regulatory and institutional framework for the transition to a sustainable energy system, within a regional context, and focuses on contributing to the fulfilment of international human rights commitments in CA countries, including equal access to energy, and supporting gender inclusive policies and legislation for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE). The project activities include capacity development for EE and RE deployment, awareness raising on EE and RE, and improving investment climate for EE and RE projects.

For additional information, please contact Mrs Yelena Serebrennikova, Senior Communication Expert, SECCA, email: media@secca.eu, WhatsApp: +77019814020, Mrs Nurgul Smagulova-Dulic, Digital Communication Expert, SECCA, email: nurgul.smagulova@secca.eu, WhatsApp: +77012066760, or the EU Delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic, email: delegation-kyrgyzstan-pic@eeas.europa.eu.

As part of the European Union (EU) Sustainable Energy Days in Kazakhstan, the EU-funded project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia” (SECCA) is pleased to launch a Mural design competition “Sustainable Energy for a Better Future” (Competition).

The Competition is organized in partnership with Astana City Urban Development Centre, International Green Technologies and Investment Projects Centre and the Institute for the Development of Electricity and Energy Saving with the support of the Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purposes of the Competition are:

  • to raise awareness of the need to switch to green energy and energy efficiency
  • to create an understanding of sustainable energy, including, but not limited to, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and energy saving among residents and guests of the city of Astana
  • to identify talented artists and promote their creative growth and involvement in the formation of the city’s positive image, taking into account current climate advocacy trends.

Citizens of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens permanently residing in Kazakhstan of 18 years old and over are eligible to participate and submit mural designs to the SECCA project at info@secca.eu.

The deadline for submission of the design has been extended to 22 May 2023.

The best design will be reproduced on the facade of the school building located at: Astana city, Esil district, Sauran street, building 5/1 (“School-Lyceum № 59” of Astana City Akimat).

The Regulation of the competition in Kazakh, English and Russian can be downloaded below:

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