
Astana, Kazakhstan – The European Union (EU) funded SECCA project held a series of meetings with the national stakeholders in Kazakhstan dedicated to the development of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). The project experts met with the representatives of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC Institute of Economic Research, the Association of the Regional Environmental Initiatives “ECOJER”, and the Association Oil and Energy Complex Organisations “KAZENERGY”.

During these meetings, SECCA Senior Expert on NECP Murman Margvelashvili shared the experience of the EU and the Energy Community Contracting Parties in NECP development and implementation. He presented on the plan’s structure and main elements, policy measures, responsibilities of implementing authorities, public consultations, data management, monitoring, and reporting under the NECP.

NECP is an important tool for achieving the sustainable development goals and effective energy transition. These plans focus primarily on decarbonisation, improving energy efficiency, enhancing energy security, deploying renewable energy, and supporting research and innovation in these areas. All EU Member States must develop, implement, and update their NECPs to reach the EU’s climate targets.

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