
Tajikistan – On 28 February 2025, the first roundtable dedicated to the topic of women’s participation in the energy sector of Tajikistan took place in the city of Khujand. It will be followed by similar discussions in the cities of Boktar, Jalolidini Rumi, Kulob, Norak, Yovon, and Tursunzoda on 3-5 March 2025.

Despite the Government and development partners’ significant efforts, there are still challenges in attracting girls in education in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) disciplines in Tajikistan and, therefore, a substantial gender gap in the number of male and female students in this fields of study.

During the European Union – Tajikistan Sustainable Energy Days campaign in 2024, it was found out that only 9 out of approximately 1000 students of the Institute of Energy of Tajikistan (IET), the only specialised institute in the country, are girls. Then, the IET proposed to hold a series of events in the country’s regions to raise awareness among the high school female students about education in STEM and inspire them to pursue career in the energy sector.

The high-level officials of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Tajikistan, honoured female energy professionals of Tajikistan, IET management staff, representatives of regional executive bodies, education departments, and public schools, experts of the European Union (EU) funded SECCA project, as well as main target audience – high school and IET female students and their parents – are taking part in these events.

The participants discuss the EU’s experience in promoting women’s involvement in the energy sector, explored the relevant success stories of the Tajik women, reviewed the Government’s initiatives to support girl’s education and women’s career in energy and STEM.

These roundtables aim to raise awareness of the girls and their parents about the higher education and existing employment opportunities in the energy sector, with an ultimate goal of increasing the number of girls pursuing the STEM and energy studies and career.

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