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European Council Recommendation 2022/C 243/04
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European Council Recommendation 2022/C 243/04

Titled “Ensuring a Fair Transition towards Climate Neutrality,” the European Council Recommendation 2022/C 243/04 acknowledges the importance of the social dimensions in achieving a just transition and recognises that energy is a fundamental service and limited (or lack of) access to it is interrelated to poverty.

The Recommendation contributes to gender equality and social inclusion in three aspects:

  • Need for inclusive policies: The Recommendation recognizes that the shift towards climate neutrality could disproportionately affect certain groups, including those already in vulnerable situations. This implies the need for policies that consider the social and economic impact on different genders and social groups.
  • Emphasis on vulnerable populations: The Recommendation highlights the need to pay particular attention to vulnerable groups, facing energy poverty or working in sectors likely to be impacted by the transition.
  • Specific social goals: The Recommendation outlines broader social goals alongside climate objectives. These include:
    • Reducing the gender employment gap;
    • Lowering the rate of youth in NEET (not in education, employment, or training);
    • Increasing access to early childhood education and care;
    • Upskilling the workforce through improved education and training;
    • Lifting people out of poverty and social exclusion.

While the Recommendation doesn’t outline specific actions for gender equality and social inclusion, it lays the groundwork for these considerations to be integrated into future policies related to the green transition. Meanwhile, achieving the social goals that it identifies can contribute to gender equality and social inclusion. For instance, reducing the gender employment gap and increasing access to childcare can expand the qualified employment of women in the workforce while promoting poverty eradication measures can enhance social inclusion.

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