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GESI and Clean Energy for All Europeans Package
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GESI and Clean Energy for All Europeans Package

Social inclusion and gender equality are two important principles in and of the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package. By focusing on affordability and empowering vulnerable groups, the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” package aims to ensure a just transition where everyone benefits from clean energy. Furthermore, it has a special focus on gender equality within the energy sector to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce that can better represent the population it serves.

The Package and Social Inclusion

Social inclusion is tackled by the Package in several ways, most notably via:

  • Focus on affordability: The package recognizes that energy poverty is a major barrier to social inclusion. It promotes measures such as subsidies, social tariffs, and energy efficiency upgrades for low-income households, so as to ensure that clean energy solutions are accessible to and affordable for everyone.
  • Empowering vulnerable consumers: The package encourages Member States to develop policies that empower vulnerable consumers, which often includes women and marginalized groups, to participate in the energy transition. This can entail initiatives like:
    • Renewable Energy Communities (RECs): They make it easier for low-income households and vulnerable communities to invest in or benefit from locally produced renewable energy.
    • Consumer Protection Measures: They provide clear information and ensure that fair practices are in place when people switch energy providers or invest in clean energy solutions.

The Package and Gender Equality

The Package contributes to gender equality via:

  • Gender mainstreaming: The EU promotes integrating gender considerations throughout energy-related policies. This means analysing how policies might impact women and men differently and taking steps to ensure women benefit equally. For example, energy efficiency upgrades in low-income housing might target improvements that benefit women who traditionally manage household chores.
  • Equality Platform for the Energy Sector: This platform was launched alongside the Clean Energy package and specifically addresses gender equality within the energy workforce. It encourages:
    • Fair hiring practices: Eliminating gender bias in recruitment and promotion processes within energy companies.
    • Training and mentorship programs: Providing opportunities for women to develop skills and advance in the traditionally male-dominated energy sector.
    • Inclusive work cultures: Creating work environments that attract and retain female talent.


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