Sustainable energy knowledge hub

Information and guidance for regional stakeholder and experts

EE and RE implementation practices
Energy modelling
SECCA project aims and expected outcomes
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SECCA project aims and expected outcomes

The expected outcomes of the energy modelling work under the SECCA project go beyond the pure quantitative analyses:

  • improved the system-thinking and the knowledge based (data-driven) decision making;
  • enhanced technical and policy dialogue among national stakeholders and among the Central Asian countries by making use of transparent and collaborative tools, and improved dialogue with the European Union by adopting similar methods and best practices in the investigation of the energy-climate pathways;
  • instruments (support, capacity and tools) provided to prepare more integrated and robust action plans and strategic plans such as the Nationally Determined Contributions, National Energy and Climate Plans, National Energy Efficiency Action Plans, National Renewable Energy Action Plan, etc.;
  • improved organisation and maximised utilisation of data and policy information to feed energy-climate decision support systems;
  • modelling tools, analyses and trainings are prepared and delivered, and all the material developed through the project are available for reuse by others (files will be hosted on collaboration platforms, for instance, GitHub, and access will be given to all the identified beneficiaries in the region);
  • training sessions are organised and interactive training materials are prepared to support the future utilisation of the project outputs;
  • support is provided for the development of the analytical and methodological tools of the future EU-Central Asia Sustainable Energy Centre (CARSEC).


The SECCA project activities in the CA region in the field of energy modelling:


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