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Cost-optimal level calculations
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Cost-optimal level calculations

Cost-optimal level calculations aim to establish a benchmark or reference point against which minimum energy performance requirements (MEPRs) can be set and adjusted. This ensures that MEPRs are ambitious yet achievable, promoting the gradual transition of the building stock towards higher energy efficiency. The objectives include:

  • Promoting cost-effective energy efficiency measures and renewable energy use in buildings.
  • Ensuring that MEPRs are set based on comprehensive economic analysis, leading to sustainable investments.
  • Supporting the EU’s climate and energy goals by reducing buildings’ operational energy use and associated CO2 emissions.


Methodologies or Approaches for Implementation

The methodology for cost-optimal level calculations involves several key steps:

  1. Defining Reference Buildings: Buildings representative of the national or regional building stock are identified to ensure the calculations are relevant.
  2. Assessment of Energy Efficiency Measures: Various measures for improving energy efficiency and incorporating renewable energy sources are evaluated for each reference building.
  3. Lifecycle Cost Analysis: The lifecycle cost is calculated for each measure, considering all relevant costs and savings over the building’s estimated economic lifecycle.
  4. Determining the Cost-optimal Level: The cost-optimal level is identified where the cost-benefit analysis over the lifecycle shows the lowest cost for a given energy efficiency level.
  5. Comparison with Current MEPRs: The results are then used to assess whether current MEPRs are set at a cost-optimal level or if adjustments are necessary.


Integration with EPBD Goals and Key Elements

Minimum Energy Performance Requirements (MEPRs): Cost-optimal level calculations directly inform the setting and adjustment of MEPRs. Ensuring that MEPRs are economically viable encourages compliance and facilitates the broader adoption of energy efficiency measures.

Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs): The data from cost-optimal calculations can enhance the relevance of EPCs by providing benchmarks for energy performance and cost-effectiveness. This information can guide owners and occupants in making informed decisions about renovations or investments in energy efficiency.

Nearly Zero-Energy Building (NZEB): Cost-optimal level calculations support the NZEB initiative by identifying economically viable paths to achieving very high energy performance levels. These calculations help set realistic yet ambitious targets for NZEB standards.

Long-Term Renovation Strategy: Integrating cost-optimal level calculations into long-term renovation strategies ensures that renovation efforts are economically and environmentally sustainable. It supports setting intermediate targets and measures that are financially prudent, promoting a gradual transition to a highly energy-efficient building stock.

By embedding cost-optimal level calculations into these aspects of the EPBD, the EU ensures a pragmatic approach to enhancing building energy performance. This methodology supports immediate energy efficiency goals and aligns with broader objectives of reducing energy consumption, lowering carbon emissions, and facilitating a sustainable, economically viable transition to a greener building stock.


Additional resources about the Cost-optimal level calculations

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