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Energy modelling
Introduction to Energy modelling
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Modelling is the (iterative) process of framing questions about the real-world in numerical and logical terms, of studying the questions by means of appropriate tools and techniques, of analysing the key outcomes of the studies, and providing insights and information to answer the initial questions and improve the knowledge of the phenomena under investigation.

In general, models help capturing and interpreting the complexity of the real world in an understandable form, help analysing and organising large amount of data and information in a structured manner, and help exploring different hypotheses under the same (consistent) framework.

Different real-world problems demand different interpretations, tools, and approaches.

Energy Systems Modelling – to explore future energy systems involving integrated energy and climate policies. This type of models are often used to explore different decarbonisation pathways and the role of each sector (eg power, transportation, building, industry) and each energy form (electricity, natural gas, coal, oil, hydrogen, etc.) in the transition.

Market modelling and Least Cost Planning (LCP) – to model power systems with at least hourly granularity in time. This is used to determine the least cost plans and the economic/financial impact of potential projects (wind, solar PV, hydro with reservoir, run-of-river, etc.). In addition to this, the simulation will test system flexibility, generation adequacy, and the technical constraints of power system dispatch before and after the implementation of projects.
Power Grid Modelling and Studies – to simulate the physical behaviour of power system in normal or contingency situations. These types of studies will be used for making technical/technological decisions and checking the technical feasibility of the economically/financially optimal solutions, including technical feasibility of network or generation integration, parallel operation of power systems in the Region, integration of high voltage DC transmission (HVDC) or other flexible AC transmission system (FACTS), reliability and stability of power system(s), etc.

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